"New Year, New Me!!"...Oh Hell No!!
"New Year, New Me!!" How many times have we heard that since January 1st? While I understand what people mean, it's just not for me! Personally, I don't think it's a healthy message to send to ourselves. It also feels like a tremendous amount of pressure right out of the gate! To me, telling ourself we need to be a "new me" feels the same as saying, we are not "enough". There are so many places in life that tear us down and tell us we're not good enough, let's be determined to not be one of those places!
I wonder if it's healthier and more productive if instead, we hit the refresh button on our self-love each year! What if we get rid of the "New Year, New Me" message and replace it with a "New Year, New Love" mindset? Each year, we learn so much about ourselves and gain so many valuable life lessons. Why on earth would we not bring that wise person into our new year? Let's just throw more love at last year's "me"!
We are all works in progress and the "New Year, New Love" mindset allows us to celebrate where we've been, how far we've come and where we want to go. The fuel needed to get where we want and need to go is self-love. My way to define self-love, is it's that kind, loving and supportive conversation with yourself backed up by the choices you make throughout the day. It's what you think to yourself, say to yourself and do for yourself. A new year is a great time to hit the refresh button on that love and remind ourselves that is our fuel!
Rather than the pressure to be new and perfect, let's just take small steps each and every day toward a loving, healthy, productive life. Let's remind ourselves we're worthy and we're enough. Self-love fuel will help us spread more love and attract more love. It will help us develop a healthier lifestyle. It will give us the strength to walk away from people and situations that don't line up with our health, peace and joy. It will ignite dreams in your heart and make them a reality. I've worked too hard on the old me to ask for a new me...how about you?
So Happy New Year...Happy New Love!