International Self-Care Day
Today is an important day! It’s International Self-Care Day! Hey, that’s YOUR day!
I feel so strongly about self-care, I devoted a whole chapter to it in my book, “Grow Yourself Beautiful”. I believe it’s the key to our true beauty, strength and joy! I think a lot of people don’t truly understand the importance and benefits of “Self-Care”. Some even knock it, thinking it’s selfish or self indulgent. We live in a society where “busy” has become a badge of honor. Being busy, is just that, busy. Busy doesn’t always equal productivity or joy. Lack of self care leads to stress, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and being unproductive. You’re not a machine, you’re a beautiful, living, breathing human being with feelings and needs. To be centered, healthy, beautiful and productive, you have to take care of yourself. Self-care is the road to making your all of dreams come true. It gives you strength for that journey!
Here’s some inspiration for developing your Self-Care as a way of life:
Feed and Nourish your mind, body and soul. There is nothing better for beauty, strength and productivity than healthy, nutritious eating. A beautiful body is a healthy body that is fed a proper balance and variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, effs, healthy fats, whole grains, nuts and legumes. Caring for yourself with beautiful foods and lots of water is one of the most important steps in self-care.
Make sleep a priority.
Keep negative thoughts out of your head and life. What we say to us directly affects the way we feel. Keep those inner conversations loving and positive.
Keep negative or unsupportive people out of your closest circle.
Limit Social Media and hide or unfollow people who don't make you feel good.
No drama life rule.
Seek laughter.
Practice gratitude and kindness.
Make time for important relationships and things you love to do!
Quiet time--Relax, Meditate and Pray.
Spend time with nature and animals.
Exercise every day in some way. Make sure it feels like a gift and not punishment.
Just say NO to things you know are not good for you. You deserve those NO's.
Practice good hygiene. It always makes you feel better.
Create a beautiful home you love to be in.
Work toward something every day.
Stay on top of medical care-doctor and dental appointments, etc.
Self-care is always needed. It is as much what we don’t do, as it is what we do! Self-care needs to be a lifestyle. It's important to keeping us centered, especially now when the crazy world seems especially crazy. Self-care plays an important part of growing our self-respect, self love and inner joy. Nurturing ourselves, teaches us we are worthy of time, love and care. It helps us grow ourselves and our lives more BEAUTIFUL.
July 2020