America the Beautiful - where are you?

"America the Beautiful", where are you? I suspect many of you are feeling much the same way I do. We love our country so much, but it feels like a big, angry mess right now. There's just so much going on and so much of it feels completely out of our control. We can't control the Pandemic. We can't control the wildfires or hurricanes. We can't stop the violent protesting, burning down our cities. We can't control the climate of American politics, etc. etc. However, my vulnerability right now has me hopefully wondering: Can we still personally influence the beauty of America through all of this?

When I was little, I believed I would grow up to be someone who could change the world! Then over the years, as reality and maturity set in, the world humbled my childish, naive ambition. I bet most of you felt the same way. I love that God creates little kids so pure and sure of their power. I'm grateful he does. A few years ago, I went looking for that brave little girl. I had become a mom of 3 daughters and a mature woman. I had some things on my heart that I wanted to say back to the world. I knew that little girl would get me back to my writing and help me believe in my ability to write a book. I knew she would convince me that my small words, if I put great love behind them, could inspire. Sure, maybe they would just be helpful to my family or a few friends. But maybe, just maybe, they could help friends of friends and so on. I have always believed in the power of the ripple. I feel that even when we throw something small into the water, it can grow and stretch further than the eye can see.

I'm a pretty positive person who loves looking for the sunshine, but it's not that easy to find right now. I'm grieving for "America the Beautiful", and I know I'm not alone. Of course our country is strong. Of course it will eventually be fine again. But America is in need of beauty and healing right now. Our pure, younger self was right. Each ONE of us has the potential to be great...really great! We each possess enormous power through our words, actions, and the examples we provide every day. We make an impact. We can’t think we don’t or aren’t able. It's the way we work with each other. It's the way we play with each other. It's the way we treat each other. We need to believe in our individual power. We need to use our power for good. We need to be the ones who keep America beautiful. 

September 2020


“20 Reasons you may want to be grateful for 2020”